Monday, October 4, 2010

Hackers Steal $600,000 from Brigantine, NJ reports that "organized cyber thieves took roughly $600,000 from the coastal city of Brigantine, New Jersey this week after stealing the city’s online banking credentials. ... Brigantine City officials said the incident began sometime before 6 p.m. on September 28th, when TD Bank notified city finance officers that multiple wire transfers had been made from its accounts. Brigantine Police’s Lt. James Bennett said in a written statement:
“Unknown person(s) had apparently obtained a user name and password for the city’s main TD Bank account when our finance personnel attempted to login (through either a fake Web page or an undetectable virus). Then several wire transfers were started with amounts ranging from a few thousand to over $300,000, for a total of about $600,000. The last update from TD Bank was that they were able to recall approximately $400,000 in transfers and were working on recalling the remainder. The investigation is being handled by the FBI, New Jersey State Police with the Brigantine Police Department and TD Bank security.”